video 3 Under 39Home Scripts User Embedded39 click 39New39 and then label this 39expiringcerts.ps139 and in the 39Script Content39 box add: powershell sl cert: MaxDays = 30 GetChildItem Recurse where .notafter le getdate.AddDaysMaxDays AND .notafter gt getdate.adddaysMaxDays select NotA...

KB-ID 395
Category: Monitoring

In the management console under 39Tools Embedded Scripts39 click 39New39 and give the script a descriptive name e.g. 39scriptname.ps139 and in the 39Script Content39 box add your script In the 39Interpreter field39 select 39powershell.exe inputformat none file39 from the dropdown and click 39OK39 Under 39System Health Packages39 create ...

KB-ID 396
Category: Application Scheduler
Applies to: 3.5 and later

For any Process action or Application Scheduler object in EventSentry you can use a nonembedded script by providing the full path to the script file i.e. C:\Batch\powershellscript.ps1. In many cases it is however easier to utilize the embedded scripts functionality. This allows you to embed scripts of any kind commandline scripts...

KB-ID 398
Category: Scripts
Applies to: 3.5 and later

We can monitor bandwidth jitter latency and packet loss using performance monitoring by monitoring the output of an executable. The command line CLI can be found here: Speedtest CLI Download the above tool and for the purposes of this Howto we will copy it to C:\Tools on our EventSentry server. The...

KB-ID 411
Category: Usage
Applies to: 4.1

Emotet is dangerous malware that has been infecting networks since 2016 causing serious damage to organizations. The team of JPCERT created Emocheck a command line utility that detects running emotet processes. This a...

KB-ID 414
Category: Security

Utilman.exe is the utility program that is launched when the Ease of Access button on the login screen is clicked. At the time of writing it is still vulnerable to be replaced by cmd.exe allowing an attacker to simply reset any user password since the tool is executed with admin rights Info

KB-ID 433
Category: Security
Applies to: 3.5 and later

You can get an alert when a domain is about to expire in 30 days by using the WhoisXMLAPI Creating API key Create a user at WhoisXMLAPI Get your API key from menu/settings under general. Add the API Key replacing APIFROMWHOISXMLAPI with the API at the script....

KB-ID 505
Category: Monitoring